Category: Personal

Learning Curve

What do you do when you’re stuck in a new environment? For me, I was just following the flow as usual. Well, work has it that I am just a normal human being. Well, it’s not like everytime you get to be learning. Yeah, I am already 25 …

Farewell Gift

Another episode of the gift I got for my farewell, just didn’t think that I have a farewell gift from my ex-colleagues. Well some of you know about me having torto as my birthday present. So what did they get me? Surprising, it comes with a card. Let …

Memories 23rd Nov 2007

You guys/gals really deserve this. Dedicating this post to all of you. Well, while it lasted, it was fun and glad to know you people. Well, as life goes on, people move ahead, but that does not mean we won’t be seeing each other again, right?? I guessed …

Monkey Here Monkey There

Why do we monkey around? Haha… the name monkey reminds me of Monkey Wong though and his drawings. But but but, we’re not talking about this type of monkey right now. We’re talking about real monkeys. Life monkeys that are not so timid they can come real close …

Felt Weird, Redesigned Blog

This will be part of my randomness. Well, I am now without a laptop for 2 days and I felt I am missing something. Well, not used to using a PC to do modifications to my blog. Well, with bigger keyboards and separate monitor, it feels weird. OK, …

You Live With It

Why is it that certain people are hopelessly finding that it’s hard to be what they wanted to be? Well, why is it also hard for someone to emulate someone they always hoped to emulate. Well, though some really do their homework and tried as much they can …

Exam Candidates Poem

It’s the time of the year again!! Don’t despair, don’t worry Books come and go But don’t ever be sorry Just go with the flow Silently I see you studying Burning the midnight oil Staying up till 3am revising Praying that your plans will not be foiled Why …

Hairs of The Weird

When you’re in the office on the Friday night and it’s way past 12am, what do you do? You camwhore when you need a mind off work for awhile. Well, so far I think that’s the best remedy now. Don’t believe me, try doing it. But then I …

Feel For Someone

Yes, it’s time for me to talk on this topic once again. Well, why is it that I have lots of opinions regarding this topic. Well some even mentioned that whether am I into one, which made me talk about these topics. Come to think of it, to …