The Star Newspaper Experience

I am sure some of you who knew me would roughly know what this blog is all about! Well, so that you see, it’s not everytime I get to appear in the newspaper, especially The Star. Well, so far in my whole life, I think I appeared only once before this experience on both The Sun and The Star.The Effect

Still clueless on what I am getting at?? Wai Kee or Merdurian has talked about it on her blog and I guessed everyone knows my age by now. Dang…. so much for my secrecy of my age amongst Shouters and other bloggers likewise. Anyway this was the part that was in the newspaper.


Ya… the part where they talked about Kenny Sia was actually a one-off thingy. Well, people need examples right, so then that’s what I’m doing! It all happened a few days before Christmas that I so happened to chance upon an interview for new year resolutions. So then at first I thought why not?? I’ve been active in blogging ever since year 2003 with my first part of my blogging started in Xanga. Those days I was blogging inactively. A long way has come since year 2008.

Well, since that’s cleared, when are the other times that I appeared on Paper? It happened during year 2004. But it was for another purpose. So happened that I was part of a group posing for photographers for my graduation day. Yeah, we can say we’re the lucky ones.

danielctw on APIIT Graduation 2005
Can you see me??

But since I’ve got nothing better to do and MerDurian says I look different from the MyBlogLog avatar, here’s a simple explanation. The MyBlogLog avatar was taken when I was out at Pavilion, posing for a shot, while the one taken by The Star photographer was me at my laptop doing my daily blog. 😛 Dressing up really can change a person’s feature 🙂

Well, so now how to be famous?? Some people just can be famous with a picture of their ass and it gets people so tight up that it brings me to wonder. Too bad though I ain’t the ass kind of person. Guess life is just ain’t ass enough.

Well speaking of which… I guess this once in a lifetime opportunity doesn’t come that often for someone like me. Well, guess I can look forward to a different whole new year 2008 in here!

Me Looking at The Star Newspaper

By the way, here are the few sms-es I got from friends who found out the news first before I even knew about it.

Thank you for your kind words! 😛 (though angeline one’s kinda =.=”)

Angeline of : I just bought the Star Today! Habislah u!
Ricky Tan of : Yoh dude, ur face in the star newspaper. Lol… youth section page T3.
Hon Yau, ex-secondary school classmate : Hey mr. kenny sia wannabe!Saw u and ur bro in star2. Here’s wishing u all d best in 2008 and dun forget me when u become a superstar blogger 🙂


  1. satkuru January 3, 2008
  2. Bell January 4, 2008
  3. MerDuriaN January 4, 2008
  4. iCalvyn January 4, 2008
  5. angeline January 4, 2008
  6. AceOne118 January 4, 2008
  7. SilverIsle January 4, 2008
  8. Kss January 4, 2008
  9. huei January 4, 2008
  10. phing January 4, 2008
  11. MonkeyWong January 4, 2008
  12. sab4 January 4, 2008
  13. SaeWei January 4, 2008
  14. Criz Lai January 5, 2008
  15. mamdouht May 30, 2009

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